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You’ll learn the exact steps to build a successful story-driven social media strategy around what you already know, love, and do!

Hi, I'm Janneke

Founder of Business Story Lab

I am a passionate storyteller with a background in theater and marketing, on a mission to empower businesses to harness the transformative power of storytelling.

With Business Story Lab, I guide businesses on a journey of self-discovery, helping them uncover their unique stories and weave them into the fabric of their operations, from product development to customer experience.

My superpower 🦹‍♀️ lies in extracting the essence of a business's story, aligning it seamlessly with its vision and purpose.

❤️‍🔥 "The world needs stories," I truly believe, "and stories need the world." ❤️‍🔥

I understand that stories are not just about entertainment; they are powerful tools that can unite people, inspire change, and drive businesses to new heights.

With me as your guide, you can transform your business into a story-driven powerhouse that captivates the world.

Janneke sitting in swing chair
Woman pointing on papers

Ready To Stop making meaningless content And Wasting Your Time? This Is The Guide You’ve Been Waiting For!

So, if you’d like to tap into a story-driven way to boost your business, download the free guide today! This guide will ensure your Social Media gets off to a rockin’ start and expands, year after year.


  • Attract the perfect market for your business
  • Establish yourself as the “go-to” expert
  • Build an awesome group of like-minded followers
  • Step off the content creation treadmill
  • Stronger customer relationships and loyalty

Reclaim Your Time and Attract Your Community!
Snag My Free Step-by-Step Guide and Get Going Today!

The most powerful person in the world is the storyteller.

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